4 Intelligence Company

4 Intelligence Company (4 Int Coy), in French and officially 4ième Compagnie du renseignement (4e Cie de rens), is a Canadian Forces Primary Reserve Intelligence Branch unit headquartered in Montreal, with a Platoon at Valcartier Garrison near Quebec City. It is a part of the 2nd Canadian Division. The unit draws its historical lineage from the 4th Troop of Volunteer Cavalry of Montreal (or Guides) that took part in the actions to repel Fenian raiders attempting to invade Canada in 1866.

4 Intelligence Company

4 Intelligence Company (4 Int Coy), in French and officially 4ième Compagnie du renseignement (4e Cie de rens), is a Canadian Forces Primary Reserve Intelligence Branch unit headquartered in Montreal, with a Platoon at Valcartier Garrison near Quebec City. It is a part of the 2nd Canadian Division. The unit draws its historical lineage from the 4th Troop of Volunteer Cavalry of Montreal (or Guides) that took part in the actions to repel Fenian raiders attempting to invade Canada in 1866.