
4moms is a business name of Thorley Industries, LLC, a company that makes technology-enabled baby gear. It is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. It was founded in 2005 by Henry Thorne and Robert Daley. The name of the company - Thorley - is a portmanteau of the founders' last names. 4moms develops robotics technology-based products that satisfy the prenatal to preschool needs of children. In the January 2013 edition of Fortune magazine, journalist Cristina Rouvalis wrote that "4Moms is a pioneer when it comes to robotic baby products".


4moms is a business name of Thorley Industries, LLC, a company that makes technology-enabled baby gear. It is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. It was founded in 2005 by Henry Thorne and Robert Daley. The name of the company - Thorley - is a portmanteau of the founders' last names. 4moms develops robotics technology-based products that satisfy the prenatal to preschool needs of children. In the January 2013 edition of Fortune magazine, journalist Cristina Rouvalis wrote that "4Moms is a pioneer when it comes to robotic baby products".