70r Red Army Soldier error

The 70r Red Army Soldier error or RSFSR 70r error of 1922 is one of the rarest postage stamps issued by the Soviet Russia between 1922 and 1923. Due to the double printing error, one cliché of the imperforate 25-stamp sheet has a 70-ruble value instead of the correct 100-ruble. Only four intact complete sheets are known.

70r Red Army Soldier error

The 70r Red Army Soldier error or RSFSR 70r error of 1922 is one of the rarest postage stamps issued by the Soviet Russia between 1922 and 1923. Due to the double printing error, one cliché of the imperforate 25-stamp sheet has a 70-ruble value instead of the correct 100-ruble. Only four intact complete sheets are known.