9 Circles

9 Circles is a play by Bill Cain based on the military career and subsequent civilian trial of murderer Steven Dale Green. Cain is a Jesuit priest. The play's title refers to Dante Alighieri's Inferno—in which Dante navigates a descent into the "nine circles of hell". In Cain's play, Green passes through his discharge from the Army and various judicial and administrative procedures, roughly paralleling the nine circles of Dante's Inferno. Cain structured the play so other cast members would return to play multiple characters, at each different circle.

9 Circles

9 Circles is a play by Bill Cain based on the military career and subsequent civilian trial of murderer Steven Dale Green. Cain is a Jesuit priest. The play's title refers to Dante Alighieri's Inferno—in which Dante navigates a descent into the "nine circles of hell". In Cain's play, Green passes through his discharge from the Army and various judicial and administrative procedures, roughly paralleling the nine circles of Dante's Inferno. Cain structured the play so other cast members would return to play multiple characters, at each different circle.