SIGWEB is one of the Special Interest Groups of the Association for Computing Machinery. SIGWEB was named SIGLINK until November 1998. Its new name welcomes members concerned with the World Wide Web as well as those concerned with other aspects of hypertext and hypermedia. The 34 ACM Special Interest Groups offer a wealth of publications, conferences and resource archives covering a broad spectrum of technical expertise and providing first-hand knowledge of the latest development trends. As one of the ACM Special Interest Groups, SIGWEB is bound by the SIGWEB by-laws.


SIGWEB is one of the Special Interest Groups of the Association for Computing Machinery. SIGWEB was named SIGLINK until November 1998. Its new name welcomes members concerned with the World Wide Web as well as those concerned with other aspects of hypertext and hypermedia. The 34 ACM Special Interest Groups offer a wealth of publications, conferences and resource archives covering a broad spectrum of technical expertise and providing first-hand knowledge of the latest development trends. As one of the ACM Special Interest Groups, SIGWEB is bound by the SIGWEB by-laws.