ALTIBASE HDB is a in-memory database, relational database management system manufactured by Altibase Corporation. The software comes with a hybrid architecture which allows it to access both memory-resident and disk-resident tables using single interface. It supports both synchronous and asynchronous replication and offers real-time ACID compliance. Support is also offered for a variety of SQL standards and programming languages. Other important capabilities include data import and export, data encryption for security, multiple data access command sets, materialized view and temporary tables, and others.


ALTIBASE HDB is a in-memory database, relational database management system manufactured by Altibase Corporation. The software comes with a hybrid architecture which allows it to access both memory-resident and disk-resident tables using single interface. It supports both synchronous and asynchronous replication and offers real-time ACID compliance. Support is also offered for a variety of SQL standards and programming languages. Other important capabilities include data import and export, data encryption for security, multiple data access command sets, materialized view and temporary tables, and others.