ANS (album)

ANS is an box set created and produced by Coil. The album uses a strange and esoteric photoelectric synthesizer known as the ANS synthesizer. It was built around half a century ago and still to this day sits where it was originally conceived; in the Moscow State University. This 3 CD release also came with a DVD that held animations created by Peter Christopherson which synched with four songs that are not included on any of the CDs. It is an expanded release of ANS, with CD A being the same as that release. All of the tracks present on the CDs and DVD are untitled.

ANS (album)

ANS is an box set created and produced by Coil. The album uses a strange and esoteric photoelectric synthesizer known as the ANS synthesizer. It was built around half a century ago and still to this day sits where it was originally conceived; in the Moscow State University. This 3 CD release also came with a DVD that held animations created by Peter Christopherson which synched with four songs that are not included on any of the CDs. It is an expanded release of ANS, with CD A being the same as that release. All of the tracks present on the CDs and DVD are untitled.