APB: All Points Bulletin

APB: All Points Bulletin is an open world, multiplayer online video game for Microsoft Windows developed by Realtime Worlds and was acquired by Reloaded Productions, which is part of the GamersFirst company. Based in urban sprawls and featuring two factions, Enforcers and the Criminals, players can form sub-groups in either faction and carry out missions. The game design was led by David Jones, who created the original Grand Theft Auto and Crackdown, and was developed by Realtime Worlds. It was released on June 6, 2010 in North America and Europe.

APB: All Points Bulletin

APB: All Points Bulletin is an open world, multiplayer online video game for Microsoft Windows developed by Realtime Worlds and was acquired by Reloaded Productions, which is part of the GamersFirst company. Based in urban sprawls and featuring two factions, Enforcers and the Criminals, players can form sub-groups in either faction and carry out missions. The game design was led by David Jones, who created the original Grand Theft Auto and Crackdown, and was developed by Realtime Worlds. It was released on June 6, 2010 in North America and Europe.