A Big 10-8 Place

A Big 10-8 Place is Negativland's 3rd album, which is a concept album released in 1983. This was the first album with the involvement of band member Don Joyce. The album's title is a reference to the radio ten-code "10-8", which means "back in service" or "available for next call" in the context of common CB radio usage. The lyrics and collage sound clips on the album make frequent reference to the CB radio hobby, as well as mischief like jamming.

A Big 10-8 Place

A Big 10-8 Place is Negativland's 3rd album, which is a concept album released in 1983. This was the first album with the involvement of band member Don Joyce. The album's title is a reference to the radio ten-code "10-8", which means "back in service" or "available for next call" in the context of common CB radio usage. The lyrics and collage sound clips on the album make frequent reference to the CB radio hobby, as well as mischief like jamming.