A Flame in Hali

A Flame in Hali is a fantasy novel written by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Deborah J. Ross as part of the Darkover series and is set in the Hundred Kingdoms time period. This book is also part three of the Clingfire Trilogy. In terms of Darkover's timeline, the book starts about ten years after Zandru's Forge, and is a continuation of that story. References are made throughout to the characters in Two to Conquer, indicating that events of the two books run concurrently.

A Flame in Hali

A Flame in Hali is a fantasy novel written by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Deborah J. Ross as part of the Darkover series and is set in the Hundred Kingdoms time period. This book is also part three of the Clingfire Trilogy. In terms of Darkover's timeline, the book starts about ten years after Zandru's Forge, and is a continuation of that story. References are made throughout to the characters in Two to Conquer, indicating that events of the two books run concurrently.