A Price Above Rubies

A Price Above Rubies is a 1998 film directed by Boaz Yakin, starring Renée Zellweger as a young woman who finds it difficult to conform to the restrictions imposed on her by her community. Reviews of the movie were mixed, though generally positive to Zellweger's performance. The title is a biblical quote. Proverbs 31:10, in the King James translation, says "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies."

A Price Above Rubies

A Price Above Rubies is a 1998 film directed by Boaz Yakin, starring Renée Zellweger as a young woman who finds it difficult to conform to the restrictions imposed on her by her community. Reviews of the movie were mixed, though generally positive to Zellweger's performance. The title is a biblical quote. Proverbs 31:10, in the King James translation, says "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies."