A Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven

A Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven (Norwegian: En tid for alt) is a 2004 novel by the Norwegian writer Karl Ove Knausgård. It is known as A Time for Everything in the United States. Its narrator is a man who has decided to write a book about the history of angels; his main source is a 16th-century treatise on angels by an Italian theologian, who encountered a pair of angels when he was young. The novel's Norwegian and British titles are a quotation from Ecclesiastes.

A Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven

A Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven (Norwegian: En tid for alt) is a 2004 novel by the Norwegian writer Karl Ove Knausgård. It is known as A Time for Everything in the United States. Its narrator is a man who has decided to write a book about the history of angels; his main source is a 16th-century treatise on angels by an Italian theologian, who encountered a pair of angels when he was young. The novel's Norwegian and British titles are a quotation from Ecclesiastes.