Abandonment (mysticism)

Abandonment is a term often used by mystic and ascetic writers to signify the first stage of the union of the soul with God by conforming to God's will, for example in the work of Jean Pierre de Caussade, Abandonment to Divine Providence: "You do well to give yourself up entirely and almost solely to the excellent practice of an absolute abandonment to the will of God. In this lies for you all perfection."

Abandonment (mysticism)

Abandonment is a term often used by mystic and ascetic writers to signify the first stage of the union of the soul with God by conforming to God's will, for example in the work of Jean Pierre de Caussade, Abandonment to Divine Providence: "You do well to give yourself up entirely and almost solely to the excellent practice of an absolute abandonment to the will of God. In this lies for you all perfection."