
Abatia (syn. Raleighia Gardner) is a genus of about ten species of Central and South American trees in the willow family Salicaceae (following the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification). Previously it was treated in the family Flacourtiaceae, or tribe Abatieae of the family Passifloraceae (Lemke 1988) or Samydaceae by G. Bentham & J.D. Hooker and Hutchinson. The leaves of Abatia rugosa Ruiz & Pav. are source of black dye in Peru.


Abatia (syn. Raleighia Gardner) is a genus of about ten species of Central and South American trees in the willow family Salicaceae (following the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification). Previously it was treated in the family Flacourtiaceae, or tribe Abatieae of the family Passifloraceae (Lemke 1988) or Samydaceae by G. Bentham & J.D. Hooker and Hutchinson. The leaves of Abatia rugosa Ruiz & Pav. are source of black dye in Peru.