Abbey of Saint Peter (Assisi)

The Abbey of St. Peter in Assisi, Italy, is inhabited by a small community of monks belonging to the Benedictine Cassinese Congregation. They live according to the Rule of St. Benedict, summarized as "Ora et Labora". Cistercian monks, monks Cassinesi came from the nearby monastery of San Pietro in Perugia, at the invitation of Pope Paul V in January 1613. The monastery has supported a hospital for the sick; an agricultural colony; and the Orphanage Ancajani (the name and linked all'Aate Ancajani), run by the Stigmata Sisters. The Benedictine monks of Cassino are still resident.

Abbey of Saint Peter (Assisi)

The Abbey of St. Peter in Assisi, Italy, is inhabited by a small community of monks belonging to the Benedictine Cassinese Congregation. They live according to the Rule of St. Benedict, summarized as "Ora et Labora". Cistercian monks, monks Cassinesi came from the nearby monastery of San Pietro in Perugia, at the invitation of Pope Paul V in January 1613. The monastery has supported a hospital for the sick; an agricultural colony; and the Orphanage Ancajani (the name and linked all'Aate Ancajani), run by the Stigmata Sisters. The Benedictine monks of Cassino are still resident.