About-Picard law

The 2001 About-Picard law [abu pika:r] (named after French parliament members Nicolas About and Catherine Picard), a controversial piece of French legislation, broadly speaking, makes it possible to act against organisations (legal entities) when such organisations have become involved in certain crimes. The law, in its own words, aimed at movements deemed cultic (mouvements sectaires) that "undermine human rights and fundamental freedoms". The law has caused controversy internationally, with some commentators alleging that it infringes religious freedom while proponents content it reinforces religious freedom.

About-Picard law

The 2001 About-Picard law [abu pika:r] (named after French parliament members Nicolas About and Catherine Picard), a controversial piece of French legislation, broadly speaking, makes it possible to act against organisations (legal entities) when such organisations have become involved in certain crimes. The law, in its own words, aimed at movements deemed cultic (mouvements sectaires) that "undermine human rights and fundamental freedoms". The law has caused controversy internationally, with some commentators alleging that it infringes religious freedom while proponents content it reinforces religious freedom.