Abu Sayyaf (Jordan)

Mohammad al-Shalabi (in Arabic محمد الشلبي , born in Ma'an, Jordan) better known as Abu Sayyaf (in Arabic أبو سياف) is a Salafi cleric and the head of the Jordanian Jihadi Salafist Movement (in Arabic التيار السلفي الجهادي في الأردن). He was sentenced to death in 2006 because of Ma'an riots he was accused of instigating and leading in January 2002 against Jordanian authorities. He was also thought to have links to the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan and to Al Qaeda and at least some level of involvement in the assassination of USAID official Laurence Foley outside his home in Amman, Jordan on October 28, 2002. Abu Sayyaf denied any connection to the murder, though he did reportedly condone the action.

Abu Sayyaf (Jordan)

Mohammad al-Shalabi (in Arabic محمد الشلبي , born in Ma'an, Jordan) better known as Abu Sayyaf (in Arabic أبو سياف) is a Salafi cleric and the head of the Jordanian Jihadi Salafist Movement (in Arabic التيار السلفي الجهادي في الأردن). He was sentenced to death in 2006 because of Ma'an riots he was accused of instigating and leading in January 2002 against Jordanian authorities. He was also thought to have links to the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan and to Al Qaeda and at least some level of involvement in the assassination of USAID official Laurence Foley outside his home in Amman, Jordan on October 28, 2002. Abu Sayyaf denied any connection to the murder, though he did reportedly condone the action.