Abul Wafa (crater)

Abul Wáfa is an impact crater located near the lunar equator on the far side of the Moon, named after the Persian mathematician and astronomer Abul Wafa. To the east are the crater pair Ctesibius and Heron. In the northeast lies the larger crater King, and to the southwest is Vesalius. The perimeter of this crater somewhat resembles a rounded diamond shape. The rim and inner walls are rounded from impact erosion, and have lost some definition. There are ledges around most of the inner wall that may have once been terraces or slumped piles of scree.

Abul Wafa (crater)

Abul Wáfa is an impact crater located near the lunar equator on the far side of the Moon, named after the Persian mathematician and astronomer Abul Wafa. To the east are the crater pair Ctesibius and Heron. In the northeast lies the larger crater King, and to the southwest is Vesalius. The perimeter of this crater somewhat resembles a rounded diamond shape. The rim and inner walls are rounded from impact erosion, and have lost some definition. There are ledges around most of the inner wall that may have once been terraces or slumped piles of scree.