Accord Coalition

The Accord Coalition is a British cross religion and belief and cross Party campaign coalition, launched in 2008, which seeks to ensure all state funded schools are made open and suitable for all, regardless of staff, children or their family's religious or non-religious beliefs. The group seeks to prevent religious discrimination and segregation in the school system, and campaigns for schools to provide Religious Education and assemblies that boost the growth of mutual understanding between those of different beliefs, so helping integration and cohesion in society.

Accord Coalition

The Accord Coalition is a British cross religion and belief and cross Party campaign coalition, launched in 2008, which seeks to ensure all state funded schools are made open and suitable for all, regardless of staff, children or their family's religious or non-religious beliefs. The group seeks to prevent religious discrimination and segregation in the school system, and campaigns for schools to provide Religious Education and assemblies that boost the growth of mutual understanding between those of different beliefs, so helping integration and cohesion in society.