Acid rock

Acid rock is a loosely defined type of rock music which emerged during the 1960s psychedelic era. The term, which derives its name from lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), is often deployed as a synonym for "psychedelic rock", though it can also refer to a more musically intense variation or subcategory of the psychedelic rock genre. It may also include early strains of hard rock, heavy metal, and proto-metal.

Acid rock

Acid rock is a loosely defined type of rock music which emerged during the 1960s psychedelic era. The term, which derives its name from lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), is often deployed as a synonym for "psychedelic rock", though it can also refer to a more musically intense variation or subcategory of the psychedelic rock genre. It may also include early strains of hard rock, heavy metal, and proto-metal.