Acworth Congregational Church

Acworth Congregational Church (The Church-on-the-Hill or Acworth Meetinghouse) is a historic church at the end of the town common in Acworth, New Hampshire. The white clapboarded church was built in 1821, with alterations at several points in the 19th century. Its design is clearly inspired by the Congregation Church of Templeton, Massachusetts, although attribution of this church's design to Elias Carter, the architect of the Templeton church, is disputed. The structure is basically rectangular, with a projecting entry section that has its own triangular pediment (with oculus window) and pilasters, matching those at the corners of the main block. A four-stage tower (two square stages topped by two octagonal ones) rises above the main facade. The church's interior decoration is mainly the

Acworth Congregational Church

Acworth Congregational Church (The Church-on-the-Hill or Acworth Meetinghouse) is a historic church at the end of the town common in Acworth, New Hampshire. The white clapboarded church was built in 1821, with alterations at several points in the 19th century. Its design is clearly inspired by the Congregation Church of Templeton, Massachusetts, although attribution of this church's design to Elias Carter, the architect of the Templeton church, is disputed. The structure is basically rectangular, with a projecting entry section that has its own triangular pediment (with oculus window) and pilasters, matching those at the corners of the main block. A four-stage tower (two square stages topped by two octagonal ones) rises above the main facade. The church's interior decoration is mainly the