Ad Fontes Academy

Ad Fontes Academy (AFA) is a private, classical and Christian school. AFA teaches Kindergarten through High-school (K-12) classes. The Ad Fontes Academy provides a Classical Christian education and is located in Centreville, Virginia. AFA is accredited by the Association of Classical and Christian schools (ACCS). AFA is a nonprofit school operating under the nonprofit [501(c)(3)] National Christian Foundation for Education and The Arts Virginia Trust. Ad Fontes Academy formerly operated at two campus locations. The lower school (K - 5) preveously met at Saint John’s Episcopal Church. and the upper school (6 - 12) meets at Centreville Presbyterian Church. AFA teaches from a Christ-centered, biblical Worldview.

Ad Fontes Academy

Ad Fontes Academy (AFA) is a private, classical and Christian school. AFA teaches Kindergarten through High-school (K-12) classes. The Ad Fontes Academy provides a Classical Christian education and is located in Centreville, Virginia. AFA is accredited by the Association of Classical and Christian schools (ACCS). AFA is a nonprofit school operating under the nonprofit [501(c)(3)] National Christian Foundation for Education and The Arts Virginia Trust. Ad Fontes Academy formerly operated at two campus locations. The lower school (K - 5) preveously met at Saint John’s Episcopal Church. and the upper school (6 - 12) meets at Centreville Presbyterian Church. AFA teaches from a Christ-centered, biblical Worldview.