Adieu l'ami

Adieu l’ami, also known as Farewell, Friend, reissued as Honor Among Thieves, is a 1968 French-Italian film directed by Jean Herman and produced by Serge Silberman, with a screenplay by Sebastien Japrisot. The film was a big success in Europe and was crucial to Charles Bronson's career, making him a star over there, after being pigeonholed as a supporting actor in Hollywood.

Adieu l'ami

Adieu l’ami, also known as Farewell, Friend, reissued as Honor Among Thieves, is a 1968 French-Italian film directed by Jean Herman and produced by Serge Silberman, with a screenplay by Sebastien Japrisot. The film was a big success in Europe and was crucial to Charles Bronson's career, making him a star over there, after being pigeonholed as a supporting actor in Hollywood.