Aerodrome Inc.

Aerodrome Pictures is an American design studio that has provided branding for many television channels worldwide. The company was originally formed in 1985 by R. Scott Miller. Over the next three decades, the studio produced graphics for many channels, including HBO Family, Fox Broadcasting Company, Sci-Fi Channel among others. The studio also produced various film & show titles. In the late-2000s, the company lacked popularity, but continued to grow.

Aerodrome Inc.

Aerodrome Pictures is an American design studio that has provided branding for many television channels worldwide. The company was originally formed in 1985 by R. Scott Miller. Over the next three decades, the studio produced graphics for many channels, including HBO Family, Fox Broadcasting Company, Sci-Fi Channel among others. The studio also produced various film & show titles. In the late-2000s, the company lacked popularity, but continued to grow.