Afghan rupee

The rupee was the currency of Afghanistan until 1925. Before 1891, silver rupees circulated with copper falus and gold mohur. The three metals had no fixed exchange rate between them, with different regions issuing their own coins. The rupee itself was first issued by Afghan monarch Sher Shah Suri during his rule of northern India in the sixteenth century; India still uses its own variant of the rupee (along with Pakistan - see Pakistani rupee - since its creation in 1947), whereas Afghanistan does not.

Afghan rupee

The rupee was the currency of Afghanistan until 1925. Before 1891, silver rupees circulated with copper falus and gold mohur. The three metals had no fixed exchange rate between them, with different regions issuing their own coins. The rupee itself was first issued by Afghan monarch Sher Shah Suri during his rule of northern India in the sixteenth century; India still uses its own variant of the rupee (along with Pakistan - see Pakistani rupee - since its creation in 1947), whereas Afghanistan does not.