African Survey

An African Survey: A Study of Problems arising in Africa South of the Sahara, often simply known as African Survey, was a report published in 1938 which paved the way for the reorganisation of research into the situation of the British Empire in Sub-Saharan Africa through the Colonial Development and Welfare Act 1940. The report was published by Oxford University Press and ran to 1,837 pages. It was subsequently republished in several revised editions.

African Survey

An African Survey: A Study of Problems arising in Africa South of the Sahara, often simply known as African Survey, was a report published in 1938 which paved the way for the reorganisation of research into the situation of the British Empire in Sub-Saharan Africa through the Colonial Development and Welfare Act 1940. The report was published by Oxford University Press and ran to 1,837 pages. It was subsequently republished in several revised editions.