African Trade Union Congress

The African Trade Union Congress (ATUC) was a national trade union centre in Rhodesia (later Zimbabwe). The ATUC represented black African workers, and was opposed to the system of white minority rule in Rhodesia. The ATUC was reported to have nine affiliated unions during the mid-1960s, with a total membership of 29,198 (36% of all trade union members in the country). The largest single affiliated union was the Railway African Workers' Union (RAWU), which had approximately 16,000 members. In 1981 ATUC merged into the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions.

African Trade Union Congress

The African Trade Union Congress (ATUC) was a national trade union centre in Rhodesia (later Zimbabwe). The ATUC represented black African workers, and was opposed to the system of white minority rule in Rhodesia. The ATUC was reported to have nine affiliated unions during the mid-1960s, with a total membership of 29,198 (36% of all trade union members in the country). The largest single affiliated union was the Railway African Workers' Union (RAWU), which had approximately 16,000 members. In 1981 ATUC merged into the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions.