African diaspora in the Americas

The African diaspora in the Americas is used to refer to people born in the Americas with predominantly Sub-Saharan African ancestry. Most are descendants of people enslaved and transferred from Sub-Saharan Africa to the Americas by Europeans, to work in their colonies, mostly in mines and plantations as slaves, between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. At present, they constitute about 18% of the population of the Americas, with the largest concentrations by percentage of population in Haiti (92%), Jamaica (91%), Barbados (90%), Turks and Caicos (90%), Dominica (87%), The Bahamas (85%), Dominican Republic (84%), Saint Lucia (83%), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (66%), Bermuda (55%), Cuba (50%), Puerto Rico (46%), Belize (35%), Trinidad and Tobago (34.2%), Brazil (20.5% mixed + 7%

African diaspora in the Americas

The African diaspora in the Americas is used to refer to people born in the Americas with predominantly Sub-Saharan African ancestry. Most are descendants of people enslaved and transferred from Sub-Saharan Africa to the Americas by Europeans, to work in their colonies, mostly in mines and plantations as slaves, between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. At present, they constitute about 18% of the population of the Americas, with the largest concentrations by percentage of population in Haiti (92%), Jamaica (91%), Barbados (90%), Turks and Caicos (90%), Dominica (87%), The Bahamas (85%), Dominican Republic (84%), Saint Lucia (83%), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (66%), Bermuda (55%), Cuba (50%), Puerto Rico (46%), Belize (35%), Trinidad and Tobago (34.2%), Brazil (20.5% mixed + 7%