Agate (typography)

An agate (US) or ruby (UK) is a unit of typographical measure. It is 5.5 typographical points, or about  1⁄14 inch (1.81 mm). It can refer to either the height of a line of type or to a font that is 5.5 points. An agate font is commonly used to display statistical data or legal notices in newspapers. It is considered to be the smallest point size that can be printed on newsprint and remain legible. From the American Dictionary of Printing and Bookmaking (1894):

Agate (typography)

An agate (US) or ruby (UK) is a unit of typographical measure. It is 5.5 typographical points, or about  1⁄14 inch (1.81 mm). It can refer to either the height of a line of type or to a font that is 5.5 points. An agate font is commonly used to display statistical data or legal notices in newspapers. It is considered to be the smallest point size that can be printed on newsprint and remain legible. From the American Dictionary of Printing and Bookmaking (1894):