Agnipureeswarar Temple, Thirupugalur

Agnipureeswarar Temple (also called Thirupugalur temple) in Thirupugalur, a village in Nagapattinam district in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. Constructed in the Dravidian style of architecture, the temple is believed to have been built during the Cholas period in the 10th century. Shiva is worshipped as Agnipureeswarar and his consort Parvathi as Karundar Kuzhali.

Agnipureeswarar Temple, Thirupugalur

Agnipureeswarar Temple (also called Thirupugalur temple) in Thirupugalur, a village in Nagapattinam district in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. Constructed in the Dravidian style of architecture, the temple is believed to have been built during the Cholas period in the 10th century. Shiva is worshipped as Agnipureeswarar and his consort Parvathi as Karundar Kuzhali.