Aitysh Public Fund

Aitysh Public Fund is a charitable organization, which aims to promote and develop culture throughout Kyrgyzstan. Founded by public figure, producer and director Sadyk Sher-Niyaz in 2001 in the capital of Bishkek, the structure of the Fund consists of the Union of Improvised Singing ‘Aitysh’, Film Production Company ‘Aitysh Film’, International Film Festival "Kyrgyzstan - Land of Short Films", Manas Cinema network and Literary Organization ‘Kalemger’.

Aitysh Public Fund

Aitysh Public Fund is a charitable organization, which aims to promote and develop culture throughout Kyrgyzstan. Founded by public figure, producer and director Sadyk Sher-Niyaz in 2001 in the capital of Bishkek, the structure of the Fund consists of the Union of Improvised Singing ‘Aitysh’, Film Production Company ‘Aitysh Film’, International Film Festival "Kyrgyzstan - Land of Short Films", Manas Cinema network and Literary Organization ‘Kalemger’.