
In the mythology of the Aboriginal people of South Australia (specifically, the Adnyamathanha people from the Flinders Ranges, Akurra is a great snake deity, sometimes associated with the Rainbow Serpent. Adnyamathanha elders describe it as a giant water snake with a beard mane, scales and sharp fangs, whose movements shaped the land. Akurra is associated with the power of the shaman, and nobody else may go near him with impunity.


In the mythology of the Aboriginal people of South Australia (specifically, the Adnyamathanha people from the Flinders Ranges, Akurra is a great snake deity, sometimes associated with the Rainbow Serpent. Adnyamathanha elders describe it as a giant water snake with a beard mane, scales and sharp fangs, whose movements shaped the land. Akurra is associated with the power of the shaman, and nobody else may go near him with impunity.