Al-Abbas ibn Ahmad ibn Tulun

Al-ʿAbbās ibn Aḥmad ibn Ṭūlūn was the eldest son of the founder of the Tulunid dynasty, Ahmad ibn Tulun, and heir-apparent until his failed attempt to usurp his father in 879. After a failed attempt to take over Ifriqiya, he was imprisoned in Egypt and executed shortly after the succession of his brother, Khumarawayh, in May 884.

Al-Abbas ibn Ahmad ibn Tulun

Al-ʿAbbās ibn Aḥmad ibn Ṭūlūn was the eldest son of the founder of the Tulunid dynasty, Ahmad ibn Tulun, and heir-apparent until his failed attempt to usurp his father in 879. After a failed attempt to take over Ifriqiya, he was imprisoned in Egypt and executed shortly after the succession of his brother, Khumarawayh, in May 884.