Alabama 3

Alabama 3 are an English band mixing rock, electronic, blues, country, gospel, and spoken word styles, founded in Brixton, London in 1995. In the United States, the band is known as A3, allegedly to avoid any possible legal conflict with the country music band Alabama. The group achieved success when the producers of hit TV series The Sopranos chose the track "Woke Up This Morning" for the show's opening credits.

Alabama 3

Alabama 3 are an English band mixing rock, electronic, blues, country, gospel, and spoken word styles, founded in Brixton, London in 1995. In the United States, the band is known as A3, allegedly to avoid any possible legal conflict with the country music band Alabama. The group achieved success when the producers of hit TV series The Sopranos chose the track "Woke Up This Morning" for the show's opening credits.