Alanna (The Song of the Lioness)

Alanna of Trebond is a fictional character in Tamora Pierce's Tortall universe. She is the main character in The Song of the Lioness series and a minor character in a number of others. A young noble girl, Alanna disguised herself as a boy by the name of Alan, and trained to become a knight. Her true identity was eventually discovered, but she went on to become the first female knight in Tortall in a hundred years and the King's Champion.

Alanna (The Song of the Lioness)

Alanna of Trebond is a fictional character in Tamora Pierce's Tortall universe. She is the main character in The Song of the Lioness series and a minor character in a number of others. A young noble girl, Alanna disguised herself as a boy by the name of Alan, and trained to become a knight. Her true identity was eventually discovered, but she went on to become the first female knight in Tortall in a hundred years and the King's Champion.