Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Land Transfer Act

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Land Transfer Act (H.R. 623; Pub.L. 113–68) is a bill that would transfer some land in Alaska from the federal government to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, a non-profit health organization. The land will be used to build a patient housing facility so that the organization can treat people who travel there from distant rural areas. The bill passed in the United States House of Representatives during the 113th United States Congress. The bill was signed into law.

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Land Transfer Act

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Land Transfer Act (H.R. 623; Pub.L. 113–68) is a bill that would transfer some land in Alaska from the federal government to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, a non-profit health organization. The land will be used to build a patient housing facility so that the organization can treat people who travel there from distant rural areas. The bill passed in the United States House of Representatives during the 113th United States Congress. The bill was signed into law.