Alberto Delgado (jockey)

Alberto Delgado (born c. 1964) is an American jockey born in Puerto Rico who has ridden predominantly in California and Maryland. He rode California Chrome in several of the horse's early races in the 2013 season. Both his father and younger brother Willie were jockeys. Willie, who also spent some time as a horse trainer on the east coast, came west in 2013 at his brother's urging and became California Chrome's regular exercise rider during the 2014 season even though the older Delgado was not kept on as the colt's jockey.

Alberto Delgado (jockey)

Alberto Delgado (born c. 1964) is an American jockey born in Puerto Rico who has ridden predominantly in California and Maryland. He rode California Chrome in several of the horse's early races in the 2013 season. Both his father and younger brother Willie were jockeys. Willie, who also spent some time as a horse trainer on the east coast, came west in 2013 at his brother's urging and became California Chrome's regular exercise rider during the 2014 season even though the older Delgado was not kept on as the colt's jockey.