Alburnoides eichwaldii

Alburnoides eichwaldii, the South Caspian sprilin is a fish species in the Cyprinidae family. It is widespread in the Western Asia in the river drainages of the southwestern Caspian coast from Samur down to rivers of the Lenkoran Province in Azerbaijan. It prefers streams and rivers in the foothills, with well oxygenated, fast-flowing waters, and spawns on gravel in swift currents.

Alburnoides eichwaldii

Alburnoides eichwaldii, the South Caspian sprilin is a fish species in the Cyprinidae family. It is widespread in the Western Asia in the river drainages of the southwestern Caspian coast from Samur down to rivers of the Lenkoran Province in Azerbaijan. It prefers streams and rivers in the foothills, with well oxygenated, fast-flowing waters, and spawns on gravel in swift currents.