Alila Hotels and Resorts

Alila Hotels and Resorts is a hotel management company that currently operates in Indonesia, India and Oman with their headquarters located in Singapore. The word Alila means “Surprise” in Sanskrit, which is the philosophy behind its properties. Alila Hotels and Resorts adopt EarthCheck operating standards and in 2014 entered into a strategic alliance with Commune Hotels & Resorts. In addition, Alila Hotels and Resorts is part of the Global Hotel Alliance.

Alila Hotels and Resorts

Alila Hotels and Resorts is a hotel management company that currently operates in Indonesia, India and Oman with their headquarters located in Singapore. The word Alila means “Surprise” in Sanskrit, which is the philosophy behind its properties. Alila Hotels and Resorts adopt EarthCheck operating standards and in 2014 entered into a strategic alliance with Commune Hotels & Resorts. In addition, Alila Hotels and Resorts is part of the Global Hotel Alliance.