All-Democratic Agricultural Front

The All-Democratic Agricultural Front (PAME) (Greek: Πανδημοκρατικό Αγροτικό Μέτωπο (ΠΑΜΕ) ) was an electoral left-wing coalition which was formed to contest the 1961 Greek legislative election. The coalition elected 24 MPs. Members to the coalition were: * United Democratic Left, the biggest left-wing party in Greece * National Agricultural Party, a small party who founded by centre-left politicians

All-Democratic Agricultural Front

The All-Democratic Agricultural Front (PAME) (Greek: Πανδημοκρατικό Αγροτικό Μέτωπο (ΠΑΜΕ) ) was an electoral left-wing coalition which was formed to contest the 1961 Greek legislative election. The coalition elected 24 MPs. Members to the coalition were: * United Democratic Left, the biggest left-wing party in Greece * National Agricultural Party, a small party who founded by centre-left politicians