Allama Gohorpuri Rahimahullah

Shaykhul Islam Sayyid Hussain Ahmad Al Madni (rahimahullah) was the longest serving Shaykhul Hadith of the world-famous Islamic institute, Darul Uloom Deoband in India. He served as "Shaykhul Hadith" (senior lecturer of Hadith) for 32 years, and 4,200 students studied Sahih Al Bukhari and Jami' Al Tirmidhi under him. Amongst those 4,200 fortunate students was Shaykhul Hadith Allama Nooruddin Ahmad Gohorpuri (rahimahullah), who studied Hadith under him and passed the annual exam in the final year with distinction and held the first position in the class in the academic year 1950 in Darul Uloom Deoband.

Allama Gohorpuri Rahimahullah

Shaykhul Islam Sayyid Hussain Ahmad Al Madni (rahimahullah) was the longest serving Shaykhul Hadith of the world-famous Islamic institute, Darul Uloom Deoband in India. He served as "Shaykhul Hadith" (senior lecturer of Hadith) for 32 years, and 4,200 students studied Sahih Al Bukhari and Jami' Al Tirmidhi under him. Amongst those 4,200 fortunate students was Shaykhul Hadith Allama Nooruddin Ahmad Gohorpuri (rahimahullah), who studied Hadith under him and passed the annual exam in the final year with distinction and held the first position in the class in the academic year 1950 in Darul Uloom Deoband.