Alliance Bank of Simla

The Alliance Bank of Simla was a British-run though India-registered bank that commenced operations in Simla 1874 under the management of Mr. James Walker. It was established to take over the business of the United Bank of India, established in 1866, with operations in Simla and Umballa. Its board put the United Bank of India in voluntary liquidation on Saturday 21 March, and Alliance Bank commenced operations on Monday, 23 March. The Alliance Bank failed on 27 April 1923 due to speculation by its management. At the time that it failed it had 36 branches, including ones in Lahore, Lucknow, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, and Rangoon.

Alliance Bank of Simla

The Alliance Bank of Simla was a British-run though India-registered bank that commenced operations in Simla 1874 under the management of Mr. James Walker. It was established to take over the business of the United Bank of India, established in 1866, with operations in Simla and Umballa. Its board put the United Bank of India in voluntary liquidation on Saturday 21 March, and Alliance Bank commenced operations on Monday, 23 March. The Alliance Bank failed on 27 April 1923 due to speculation by its management. At the time that it failed it had 36 branches, including ones in Lahore, Lucknow, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, and Rangoon.