Alternatiba, Basque political party

Alternatiba (English: Alternative) is a Basque socialist political party. Founded in 2009, Alternatiba was born as a critical tendency within Izquierda Unida (IU) in the Basque Country opposing a participation in the Basque government along with the PNV and Eusko Alkartasuna. In 2009 this tendency broke away from IU and formed an independent party.

Alternatiba, Basque political party

Alternatiba (English: Alternative) is a Basque socialist political party. Founded in 2009, Alternatiba was born as a critical tendency within Izquierda Unida (IU) in the Basque Country opposing a participation in the Basque government along with the PNV and Eusko Alkartasuna. In 2009 this tendency broke away from IU and formed an independent party.