American Jobs

American Jobs is a 2004 independent film, documentary, written, produced and directed by Greg Spotts. The film is about the loss of American jobs to low-wage foreign competition, covering the phenomenon of outsourcing in manufacturing and high-paying white-collar jobs. The filmmaker visited 19 cities and towns throughout the United States interviewing recently laid-off workers, focusing on three industries: textiles, commercial aircraft and information technology. It also contains interviews with a number of members of Congress, including: Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Rosa DeLauro (D-Connecticut), Robin Hayes (R-North Carolina), Donald Manzullo (R-Illinois), and Hilda Solis (D-California), and includes an extended section of clips from the 1993 congressional debate on NAFTA. (North American Fre

American Jobs

American Jobs is a 2004 independent film, documentary, written, produced and directed by Greg Spotts. The film is about the loss of American jobs to low-wage foreign competition, covering the phenomenon of outsourcing in manufacturing and high-paying white-collar jobs. The filmmaker visited 19 cities and towns throughout the United States interviewing recently laid-off workers, focusing on three industries: textiles, commercial aircraft and information technology. It also contains interviews with a number of members of Congress, including: Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Rosa DeLauro (D-Connecticut), Robin Hayes (R-North Carolina), Donald Manzullo (R-Illinois), and Hilda Solis (D-California), and includes an extended section of clips from the 1993 congressional debate on NAFTA. (North American Fre