Americas Petrogas

Americas Petrogas Inc is a Canadian-based exploration and oil production company focused in Argentina’s Neuquén Basin where it is one of the largest land owners, with 960,000 net acres spread over 12 large blocks of which 9 blocks are located in the Vaca Muerta shale corridors. Recently, Ryder Scott Company petroleum engineers assessed the Company with 7.6 Billion BOE P50 Best Case Unrisked Prospective (Recoverable) Shale Resources (Lower Agrio, Vaca Muerta, Los Molles). Americas Petrogas was sought out by ExxonMobil and others, to partner on its shale blocks. Subsequently, Americas Petrogas entered into a joint venture with ExxonMobil on 4 of its 9 shale blocks with Americas Petrogas retaining Operatorship. Together the partners have announced 3 successful Vaca Muerta discoveries.

Americas Petrogas

Americas Petrogas Inc is a Canadian-based exploration and oil production company focused in Argentina’s Neuquén Basin where it is one of the largest land owners, with 960,000 net acres spread over 12 large blocks of which 9 blocks are located in the Vaca Muerta shale corridors. Recently, Ryder Scott Company petroleum engineers assessed the Company with 7.6 Billion BOE P50 Best Case Unrisked Prospective (Recoverable) Shale Resources (Lower Agrio, Vaca Muerta, Los Molles). Americas Petrogas was sought out by ExxonMobil and others, to partner on its shale blocks. Subsequently, Americas Petrogas entered into a joint venture with ExxonMobil on 4 of its 9 shale blocks with Americas Petrogas retaining Operatorship. Together the partners have announced 3 successful Vaca Muerta discoveries.