Amos Harel

Amos Harel is an Israeli journalist. As of 2014 he is the military and defense analyst for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. From 1999-2005 Harel anchored a weekly program about defense issues on Army Radio. Before becoming Haaretz' military analyst, he spent 4 years as night editor of the printed Hebrew edition. Harel graduated from Tel Aviv University and lives in Hod Hasharon.

Amos Harel

Amos Harel is an Israeli journalist. As of 2014 he is the military and defense analyst for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. From 1999-2005 Harel anchored a weekly program about defense issues on Army Radio. Before becoming Haaretz' military analyst, he spent 4 years as night editor of the printed Hebrew edition. Harel graduated from Tel Aviv University and lives in Hod Hasharon.