An Introduction to Old Norse

An Introduction to Old Norse is a textbook written by E. V. Gordon, arising from his teaching at the University of Leeds and first published in 1927 in Oxford at The Clarendon Press. It has been reprinted several times since. The Second Edition was revised by A. R. Taylor, Gordon's former student and, indirectly, his Leeds successor. The book is commonly accepted as a standard text in the English-speaking world for studying Old Norse. It includes a long introduction, a short grammar of Old Norse, a glossary, an index of names and selections from the Poetic Edda as well as a number of other sagas (all in Old Norse).

An Introduction to Old Norse

An Introduction to Old Norse is a textbook written by E. V. Gordon, arising from his teaching at the University of Leeds and first published in 1927 in Oxford at The Clarendon Press. It has been reprinted several times since. The Second Edition was revised by A. R. Taylor, Gordon's former student and, indirectly, his Leeds successor. The book is commonly accepted as a standard text in the English-speaking world for studying Old Norse. It includes a long introduction, a short grammar of Old Norse, a glossary, an index of names and selections from the Poetic Edda as well as a number of other sagas (all in Old Norse).