Anamika (fungus)

Anamika is a genus of fungi in the family Hymenogastraceae. Anamika was formerly placed in the family Cortinariaceae, but a molecular phylogenetics study found it to be closely related to Hebeloma, which is in the family Hymenogastraceae. Species of Anamika have small basidiocarps with non-hygrophanous caps that are smooth, glabrous and slightly sticky when moist; a pileus margin that is incurved and entire when young and becomes decurved and fissile with age; and a pale brown context. Their lamellae are adnate; their stipes are central, terete, equal or enlarged towards both ends, slightly furfuraceous with a cortina when young, which often leaves inconspicuous annular remnants. Their spore prints are brown. Their spores are amygdaliform to sublimoniform, thick-walled, epitunica strongly

Anamika (fungus)

Anamika is a genus of fungi in the family Hymenogastraceae. Anamika was formerly placed in the family Cortinariaceae, but a molecular phylogenetics study found it to be closely related to Hebeloma, which is in the family Hymenogastraceae. Species of Anamika have small basidiocarps with non-hygrophanous caps that are smooth, glabrous and slightly sticky when moist; a pileus margin that is incurved and entire when young and becomes decurved and fissile with age; and a pale brown context. Their lamellae are adnate; their stipes are central, terete, equal or enlarged towards both ends, slightly furfuraceous with a cortina when young, which often leaves inconspicuous annular remnants. Their spore prints are brown. Their spores are amygdaliform to sublimoniform, thick-walled, epitunica strongly