And Who Shall Go to the Ball? And What Shall Go to the Ball?

And Who Shall Go to the Ball? And What Shall Go to the Ball? is the second release on the label 4AD for singer and composer Scott Walker. The album was originally commissioned as a contemporary dance piece for disabled and non-disabled dance company CandoCo, choreographed by Rafael Bonachela. A video with excerpts from the performance can be found at the CandoCo website The album was issued in just 2500 copies and will, according to the label, never be re-pressed.

And Who Shall Go to the Ball? And What Shall Go to the Ball?

And Who Shall Go to the Ball? And What Shall Go to the Ball? is the second release on the label 4AD for singer and composer Scott Walker. The album was originally commissioned as a contemporary dance piece for disabled and non-disabled dance company CandoCo, choreographed by Rafael Bonachela. A video with excerpts from the performance can be found at the CandoCo website The album was issued in just 2500 copies and will, according to the label, never be re-pressed.