Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Group

Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Group (AFECC) is a Chinese construction and mining company with an international focus that includes 14 overseas subsidiaries in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, and Pacific Islands. Based on the value of 2011 deals, the company ranks among the top 225 contractors in terms of international projects. In its charitable giving, the company contributed $1.5 million towards a week long phase of a medical mission called the "Brightness Trip", in which a medical team visiting the hospitals of Malawi treated patients with cataract conditions.

Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Group

Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Group (AFECC) is a Chinese construction and mining company with an international focus that includes 14 overseas subsidiaries in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, and Pacific Islands. Based on the value of 2011 deals, the company ranks among the top 225 contractors in terms of international projects. In its charitable giving, the company contributed $1.5 million towards a week long phase of a medical mission called the "Brightness Trip", in which a medical team visiting the hospitals of Malawi treated patients with cataract conditions.